Jamalpur (Mirzapur district)

Jmalpur(जमालपुर)is a village in mirzapur district in Indian state of Uttarpradesh. It is situated in remote area of uttar pradesh and approx 330 km from state capital Lucknow. Jamalpur is locally known for its political, social and economical importance. It is block village of nearly 120 villages. There are government primary hospital, police station, postoffice and and a area famous Sri mati Deocali Inter College which is also known as Prem Cali between the youngsters.



Nearest city to Jamalpur is Varanasi where good students go for further studies as educational infrastructure in Jamalpur is very poor.


Jamalpur is a place where all the religions are present in more or less number of people.The total population of jamalpur(as per 2001 consensus) is 4229. In this village Patel is dominant caste which comes under Kurmi sub caste of OBC category.


Regional Politics

Jamalpur has always politically important in Mirzapur district of Uttar Pradesh due to its large numbers of vote bank and many times deciding place for winning of MLA seat for Omprakash singh, a renowned bharatiya janata party candidate and many times MLA of this area.

Village Politics

In reality just like other typical villages, Jamalpur is also a village where healthy politics has never been practiced. Gram panchayat system is practiced here in which patels of the same village has ruled for the longest time. The current head of village, typically known as Pradhan, is Shubash singh.


At the name of education there are many privet primary and junior high schools along with government added Sri mati Deocali Inter College.


Though Jamalpur is not a place developed like a city yet there are many means of entertainment here like gambling, Cricket(just played by local guys and some tournament are organized in the main ground of Sri mati Deocali Inter College), and some athletic games like Kabaddi(specially at the eve of Naag panchami). There was a theater but now days is has not been working and probably it is supposed to be due to no frofit